Privacy Policy

I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office. As part of the work that I do it is necessary for me to collect and hold sensitive and personal information about you. This is defined as legitimate interest under the regulations of the GDPR.

The information I collect

I collect contact details for you, and also for your GP and ‘next of kin' in case of emergencies. To ensure that I am the right counsellor for you and throughout the process of our work, I may collect personal and sensitive information about you, including: your mental health, physical health, social and family history and current situation. During our work together it may become necessary for me to collect special category data, for example regarding your sexual orientation or religion.

Please note that if adoption-related issues are unearthed during counselling, under current rules I would be prevented from continuing to work with you. If this issue arises, I will need to discuss this with you and signpost you to a suitable organisation. Under certain circumstances, if, for example it becomes apparent that you have been mandated into attending therapy, I will need to agree additional conditions with you.

How your information is used

The information I collect is necessary to enable me to provide you with therapeutic services. This information is confidential. As mandated by professional organisations I receive supervision, a form of quality control for my therapeutic practice. This is to ensure my practice remains effective, safe, ethical, and professional. I discuss your personal information within supervision, however, all identifying details are removed and your information is anonymised. My supervisor is required to adhere to the same confidentiality limitations as I am.

Limits to Confidentiality

Your information is never shared with third parties for commercial gain. However, if there was an immediate and serious risk that you might harm yourself or someone else then I may have to share your personal information with a third party such as your GP or the emergency services without first obtaining your consent. This might be because it is not practically possible to obtain your consent or because attempting to do so might lead to a delay in accessing help and therefore endanger your life or that of another.

In situations where I did have to share your personal information with third parties to protect you or another, I will only share your personal information in so far as it is relevant and necessary to protect you or someone else. I will inform you what personal information is shared and to whom.

It is possible that your personal information may be requested by a Court of Law, Coroner’s Office, or Professional Body in which circumstances you may have limited or no rights of refusal.

Access to your information and correction

You have the right to request a copy of the information that I hold about you. You have the right to see the information I hold, amend it, ask for its deletion, and withdraw consent at any time. I can refuse the request if your personal information is needed in the defence or exercise of legal claims, or there is an overriding legitimate interest to retain your information.

How your information is stored

I keep your personal information in electronic records using your initials as identifiers. This information is stored on computer devices using encryption and/or password protection. Your identifying personal information, for example name and address, are kept separately from your records. 

Length of storage of your personal information

I only keep personal data for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes I hold it for. The length of time may depend on the reasons for which I am holding it. I then erase your records.

Changes to the privacy policy

I regularly review and if necessary, update this privacy policy. Last update 23/08/2023.

Right to complain

You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioners Office without prejudice about the processing of your personal data.

You have the right to complain about professional conduct to The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

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Privacy Policy